Oct 13, 2024 Church News

  1. Welcome to our Thanksgiving Sunday Service. Due to an increase in COVID cases, wearing a mask inside the church is highly recommended. If you have any symptoms, please rest at home. It is highly recommended to get the new COVID vaccine and flu shot starting October.

The sermons will be uploaded to our YouTube channel at 2:30pm.

  • English & Youth Service: 10:00am @ Gym; JAM @B7; Junior JAM 10:15 am @A9
  • Cantonese: 8:30 & 11:30am @Sanctuary; Mandarin: 10:00 am @A8
  1. In-Person English Sunday School 11:30am – 12:30pm
  • Children’s Sunday School in B4-B7; Adult & Senior High School in the gym
  • Junior High Sunday School in A13
  1. Joint Baptismal & Membership Ceremony in the sanctuary at 2:30pm today. Group photo at 2:15pm. Deacon Board approved 8 to be baptized and 22 to join membership. Welcome all new members!

After 1pm, the sanctuary, the pantry and A8 will be reserved for preparation

  1. 10/18-20 「the 39th Mission Conference」,speaker Rev. Isaac Quan from CIM Canada. Please mark your calendar

Register with Ivy and David for dinner order. 10/18(Fri) Chinese BBQ Box & 10/19(Sat) Japanese Bento Box with Chinese-style desserts.
10/20 Joint Sunday Service at the sanctuary, gym and A8

  1. Staff news: The office will be closed on Monday for the Thanksgiving Holiday


  1. Restart of the English Ministries Prayer Time

On Wednesday, October 23rd at 7:30 p.m., we will start meeting again to pray together. The meeting will take place in person at the church. We will take the first 20 minutes to learn more about praying as Jesus taught us to pray. Then we will follow up that time with a time of praying together with a focus not only on the needs within our church but on our community. For further information, to contact Pastor Don and watch for follow-up announcements.

  1. 2024 LightHouse Harbour Ministries: Next visit date is 11/14(Thu) 7-9:30pm. Pastor Audrey will lead the Mandarin members and others to serve.
  2. Missions Trip to Casa de Luz in Mexico

A trip is being planned for next year to go on a missions trip to Casa de Luz in Primo Tapia, Mexico. The date that has been tentatively set is the week of July 5th to July 12th. The plan is to form a team made up of individuals as well as families. Further information about the trip will come out at our Missions Conference in a panel discussion / workshop to be held on Saturday evening (October 19) from 5:00 to 6:30 p.m. with Pastor Gary Stephens along with Pastor Don. Please feel free to contact Pastor Don if you have any questions, but set this date aside and mark your calendars!

  1. 11/4-6 Short Term Mission Trip to Vancouver Island. Commissioning Prayer will be on 10/20(Sun).
  2. The deacon board has allocated an additional $2000 to the Administrative Department for subsidizing attendees of the upcoming Winter Conference. Forty applications will be accepted on a first-come, first-serve basis, with further details to be provided in the future.
2024 CCCWC – PGMBC Subsidy Rate
Full-Time – 13 & above $50
Full-Time – Children $40
Week Pass – 13 & above $50
Week Pass – Children 0-3:$0; 4-6:$10; 7-12:$40
4 Evening Main Talks – 13 & above $40
4 Evening Main Talks – Children 0-3:$0; 4-12:$15
Day Pass (for each day) $10
  1. Please refer to the Cantonese Bulletin for outreach programs to invite your Cantonese speaking family members and friends to join.
  2. Please clean up and label the foods in the freezer before 10/20.
  3. Please pray for the sick and their families.