Mission Organizations We Support
Small Town Short-Term Mission – Chinese Christian Mission of Canada (CCM) 小城宣教 – 加拿大中國信徒佈道會
CCM acknowledges the small towns with no local Chinese Christian fellowship or regular church support. It takes the challenge of organizing visitation teams to reach out to them with the love and Gospel of Christ.
Christian Communication Inc. of Canada (CCIC) 加拿大恩福協會
CCIC is a registered non-profit in Canada since 1989, and is also a member of the Evangelical Fellowship of Canada. The meaning of the Chinese name implies that the staff is willing to serve the churches as servants. They would like their services to be a channel of blessing to the churches through two main areas: Church Resources and China Ministry.
Far East Broadcasting Associate of Canada 加拿大遠東福音廣播
FEBCanada is an interdenominational, non-profit organization incorporated in BC, Canada in 1964. It promotes the global Christian broadcasting network within Canada, and prayerfully and financially supports the missionary radio outreach of member organizations throughout the world, which are actively involved in the synergistic mandate of the Great Commission.
Grace Melodia 頌恩旋律
Grace Melodia was established 1999 in Vancouver, BC. By God’s grace, their music ministry involves Christians from dozens of churches in six cities. Their ministry goal is to promote church music composition, to cultivate church music talents, and to expand musical horizons, so that more people from inside and outside the church can appreciate Christian music through different channels. In ten years, they released nine CDs, six albums and two musicals.
頌恩旋律於1999年在溫哥華成立,蒙神恩典,這些年間我們已發展成由六個城市,數十多間教會的弟兄姊妹參與的音樂事工。 頌恩旋律的事奉目標為推動聖樂創作、栽培聖樂人材,以及開拓音樂空間,讓更多教會內外人士可以從不同途徑欣賞基督教音樂。 我們在十多年的時間內推出了九張CD、六本歌集及兩套音樂劇。
Herald Monthly 號角月報 (Chinese Christian Herald Crusades 基督教角聲佈道團)
Herald Monthly is a free, Chinese, broadsheet newspaper published on the first Wednesday of every month. They strive to
- Be a healthy, family-oriented publication for readers in the Chinese community
- Provide a forum for Chinese Canadians to express their views toward social issues
- Provide inspiration and insight to help readers face challenges and struggles in life
- Uphold a Christian worldview of life as a viable alternative
Lighthouse Harbour Ministries 燈塔港灣福音事工
The mission of Lighthouse is to love and honour God by serving the seafarers of the world in word and deed. Since most seafarers already have their primary physical needs met on their ships, the Lighthouse can concentrate its efforts on sharing the Gospel of Christ with them. At times, however, we provide practical/social assistance to seafarers and it is considered an important aspect of serving the Lord. Practical assistance includes provision of transportation (eg. for shopping), information/directions, and visitation of injured seafarers in hospital.
Our two Seafarers’ Centres in North Vancouver and the Fraser Surrey Docks reach out to visiting seafarers with love, compassion and friendship. Staff and volunteers are there to provide assistance, literature and recreational activities.
Missions Fest Vancouver (Mission Central) 差傳節
Missions Fest is the largest annual mission conference in North America. Every year they have between 10–15,000 people attending over the weekend. General admission is free and the invitation to attend goes out to all the churches of Metro Vancouver, the Fraser Valley and beyond.
When attendees visit, they get to engage with 250+ mission agencies, learn from missional experts in Mini-Conferences and Seminars, take in the Film Festival, and much more.
Our Daily Bread Ministries (formerly RBC Ministries) 靈命日糧事工
ODB helps millions of people connect with God each day. For 75+ years, their purpose has remained the same: to reach people with the life-changing wisdom of the Bible.
Their mission is to make the life-changing wisdom of the Bible understandable and accessible to all. They want to see people of all nations experiencing a personal relationship with Christ, growing to be more like Him, and serving in a local body of His family.
Showers of Blessing 恩雨之聲
SOBEM is an independent, interdenominational organization. Its mission is to reach out to Chinese around the world through mass media to witness Christ. Its ministries include:
- Life stories and spiritual messages to witness Christ through traditional broadcast and new media platforms on internet
- SOBEM video programs turn into distributable media tools for churches and missionaries to distribute worldwide
- LifeCare service telephone hotline and via internet to provide support
- Open events with music, life sharing and drama to evangelize in communities
SOBEM is financially supported by churches and individuals. SOBEM members must be dedicated Christians commited to gospel outreach.
Vancouver Chinese Christian Short-Term Mission Training Centre 溫哥華基督徒短期宣教訓練中心 & Truth Monthly 真理報
VCCSTMTC is a non-profit, Christian organization established to strengthen Christians in their evangelism skills, encourage believers to commit to short-term missions, and foster church growth and church planting. It provides short-term mission training programs, evangelical resources, Truth Monthly newspaper and outreach ministries.